Saturday , 15 February 2025
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Worker’s Cottage

The Homes of Wellesley Cottages

A large portion of the properties on Amelia Street are either influenced by or are strict forms of the worker’s cottage (some times referred to as the working man’s cottage). We’ve reviewed many of these homes before — so it is now time to turn our attention on the comely blue-trimmed, white-walled rowhouses of Wellesley Cottages laneway, located north-east of the Sackville St. and Wellesley St. East crossing. Dating back to 1887, the homes on Wellsey Cottages emit vibes of a small Victorian village, hidden off the main path, both beautiful and undisturbed. Each property is an idealistic example of …

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The Worker’s Cottage: Cabbagetown

The Working Man’s Cottage, also known as the Worker’s Cottage, was the most common style for homes in Canada during late 1800s.  These structures were made simple, efficient, and economical, built to reduce the unsanitary conditions that the working class had been subjected to during the industrial revolution.  Most often, the Working Man’s Cottage would be a one story house, divided into many rooms, under one steeply peaked roof. In Ontario, the Working Man’s Cottage, or just the Worker’s Cottage, closely resembled the Gothic through the use of finials, shutters, bay windows, and etched glass transoms.  With this said, many …

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