Drop off your old books — starting now!
This is how it works …
Starting right now and up to Aug 18th , we are accepting donations of your already-read books. (No text books or magazines please!).
Just pop them in a bag and drop them off at 204 Seaton Street any time in the designated bin.
Include a note with your books showing:
your name
your address
your email address
We’ll email your voucher to you!
You get a voucher for your donation, depending on how many books you donate: donate 1 book, and get a voucher for 1 book; 10 gets you 2; 15 gets you 3; 20 gets you 4; 30 or more gets you 5 books!
On the day: The Fair itself is on August 19th at 204 Seaton Street, from 9am to 12 noon.
Come redeem your voucher, or just buy books.
All books are traded between $1 – $5. What a deal!
Cupcakes and Lemonade will also be available for purchase from one of our Local Bakers.
If you would like to sponsor this event, volunteer or just have questions please contact
Jennifer Walker (eventscabbagetownsouth@gmail.com).
Not a member of CSA? You can support us by joining online.
It’s just $10 per year and all funds go to support our community!