Here’s an email from the Don Vale Cabbagetown Residents Association that I’d like to share with you all.
Let’s all do our part in keeping the ol’ farmers market alive! The farm is open until 7:00pm on Tuesdays.
Dear DVCRA Members,
We are happy to announce that the farmers are back at the market with all sorts of wonderful produce, including beets, beans, late strawberries, kale, sugar snap peas and much much more. As you know farmers markets are increasing in popularity, with new markets popping up all over Toronto and this means there is a much greater demand on the farmers. If we want to keep this Cabbagetown gem, it needs our support. If you have not been yet this year, make sure you stop by Tuesday from 3:00pm-7:00pm. The farm is open until 7:00pm on Tuesdays.
Hope to see you there,
Lindsay Whitfield
on behalf of the DVCRA