Join us for our 5th annual candlelight walk through Victorian Cabbagetown South as we celebrate Earth Hour.
SATURDAY MARCH 23RD 8:30pm – 9:30pm
Earth Hour is a WWF climate change initiative.
In 2007 Earth Hour was established in one city – Sydney Australia … In just 5 years, over 7000 cities and towns across 152 countries and territories have been inspired to take actions and share their commitment to the environment.
Turn off your lights with Cabbagetown South and get a new perspective on your community as we take this guided walk through Historical Cabbagetown South.
Cabbagetown’s history began in the 1800s and thrives well into today.
Join us as we walk you through the 1830s into the 21st century.
Enjoy the beauty of a bygone era … think of the environment … do a little star gazing and demonstrate the ease of reducing energy consumption in just one hour.
Finish the night with a warm beverage and a special Earth Hour gift to take home and plant in your awaiting Spring Gardens.
Who can attend? Anyone … friends, family, pets … bring your lantern or votive!
Walk begins at the corner of Ontario and Gerrard 830pm sharp!
This event is free however please register on line at
Under EVENTS so we know how many gifts to prepare.
Brought to you by: CSA (