The Cabbagetown South Association met yesterday evening at Ontario Restaurant with guests including Glen McMurray and Sean McIntyre from Pam MacConnell’s office to provide some back ground on what’s taking place on the political front to help achieve the associations mandates. I was stuck in a meeting and got to the resturant a bit late at which point Glen was just finishing up his update hence I’m sorry to report that I don’t have much to report there. Following is what was discussed while I was in attendence:
- Drover Lane: There was fire in one of the houses in Drover’s lane three weeks ago that has prompted a review by the association to look into safety and living standards for the tenants there. A committee is being form to get the complex cleaned up for the tenants and to ask the absentee landlord to keep it in good shape
- Prostitution: It’s been a concern for the residents to the south closer to Shuter with Prostitutes soliciting business from Johns in the area. Residents are asked to take pictures and report any activity they see to the police. The intention is to report as many incidents as possible so it becomes a hot spot for our finest to patrol on regular basis
- Safety alert: There have been a rash of break-ins in our neighborhood where the assailant enters the premises through an open back door and walks away with walets and any cash he can find. The suspect is described as a white mail with long hair and usually wearing a p-cap. Please keep your rear doors closed and keep an eye on your neighbors as well. One suggestion was made to make sure you know your neighbors so if anyone is found loitering, example in the back alley, you can ask them to leave.
- Soupy’s building: 386 Dundas has a new tenant coming in who is bringing a boutique hotel there. The name Royal Oak Hotel was suggested for the establishment to the new tenant. No further update.
- There’s a sink hole at the end of Poulette which needs to be looked at. The motion was brought to the attention of Sean McIntyre who was to discuss it with the parties after the meeting in detail.
- The new home constructed fronting on Ontario street has caused a knee wall in the lane way to Milan to be demolished which was on city property. The question was asked if the developer could re-build the wall so unauthorized access to one of the neighbors property could be prevented. Sean McIntyre was to review this after the meeting with the parties.
- Battery recycling: There is no program in place for the community to have batteries recycled with a designated drop off area. Residents were advised that major stores such as Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Ikea, and Staples currently have programs where you can drop off your used batteries. A neighborhood program would be considered if enough interest is garnished.
- Graffiti: It’s been a long concern in the neighborhood but it’s on the declined. There have been notices given out by Community Response/Police/City to property owners to have some of the graffiti removed which has nothing to do with the association. The lane way wall of central neighborhood house is noted as a wall that needs attention quickly and a suggestion was made to have a mural painted over it. A program by Division 51 is underway as well which will provide assistance in removing graffiti from buildings.
- Member ship drive: Our member ship has grown to 228 members and we have 750 homes in the neighborhood. All members are requested to ask their neighbors to join our association. The purpose of the association is to make a political stance in getting issues facing the neighborhood be heard and resolved. The more the merrier.
- There are number of volunteering opportunities available within our association and members were encouraged to review the options available and donate with their time.
- The meeting was adjourned till next month.
The next meeting will take place on June 13, 2012 at the same place. I hope you can make it out and if you can join the association, I’m sure the group would appreciate it. You can find more information about Cabbagetown South by visiting their website.