Thursday , 6 March 2025
Home » Cabbagetown Blog » Moss Park gets a (small) makeover

Moss Park gets a (small) makeover

Moss Park looks a little different this weekend. Yesterday, over 200 community volunteers got their hands dirty and set about to re-work this often-avoided park into a community-friendly space that will include a new soccer pitch, a vegetable garden, the insertion of rock and fauna diversions, and more outdoor seating–all ideas spurred forth by the community through a lengthy series of meetings.

The project revitalizes an area that–let’s call a spade a spade–most don’t feel particularly safe walking around in at night (or even the late afternoon) and invites the many people that could benefit from a bit more urban green space to interact with each other and be more active–specifically children, who continue to fall short of recommended guidelines for daily activity.

That’s the goal, at least. Whether the allure of green grass and veggies growing is enough to draw kids outside remains to be seen, but it’s a cool–and generous–idea, and hopefully one that will gain more traction in other areas of the city.

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About Neetu Gill

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