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Toronto Central By-Election Debate

The Toronto Central By-Election Debate is coming soon on November 20, 2013!

The Toronto Central By-Election is coming up soon on November 25, 2013 and a coalition of eight residents associations have put together a forum for all candidates to debate and show how they will work for you.  I’m very proud and honored to be working with the Cabbagetown BIA and Don Value Resident’s association in helping put this together.  The debate is scheduled for Jarvis Collegiate located at 495 Jarvis Street on November 20, 2013 starting at 7 PM.  The debate will be moderated by John Tory and we are expecting a full house with 600 attendees.

TorCen Debate PosterPutting together a neighborhood initiative as such is no small feat.  I wanted to take a moment and thank Corktown Business and Resident’s Association for taking the lead in setting this up and reaching out to all the other associations.  This is a tremendous effort that still needs much help.  Here are four ways you can help make this a great event:

  1. Plan to attend the event:  Success is truly in the numbers that attend.  We would like to make this a huge success and allow a diverse background of Torontonians attending this event.
  2. Submit your questions:  You can use the box below to send your questions.  I will be forwarding all of your questions over to the moderator panel to check and add to queue of questions that will be forwarded to the candidates
  3. Share this post with everyone:  We need to raise awareness of this debate hence please take a moment to share this with your friends, family and neighbors in person or on Email, Facebook, Twitter, Google + or any other social media you subscribe to.
  4. Financial support:  We are looking for local business to sponsor the event.  You can get the advertising matrix here and if you’re interested, please get in touch with us so we can help connect you with the printers.

About Addy Saeed

Addy is a full time REALTOR® in Toronto, ON with RE/MAX ® and is involved in different real estate projects alongside community and charity events. An avid investor, auto enthusiast, music lover and long time adventurer. He can be contacted by calling 1-877-439-2339

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