We had published about a great tour that was taking place on August 7, 2010 which was organized by Heritage Toronto and Cabbagetown Preservation Association. I’m happy to present a small video showcasing what we saw. I couldn’t video record it all and you would have to come down to one to attend and see it in person. A great time!
A big thank you to all that came especially Dustin, Robin and their little boy!
Heritage Toronto – www.heritagetoronto.org
Cabbagetown Preservaton Association – www.cabbagetownpa.ca
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Addy Saeed and Addy Saeed, Dustin Longpre. Dustin Longpre said: An awesome recap of an amazing #Cabbagetown tour! #Toronto RT @HeyAddy: Cabbagetown South Tour: http://bit.ly/9ZYDe7 […]