“Towards Recovery” is a propsed methadone clinic which would be located at the corner of Dundas Street and Ontario Street. Local residents, police from 51 Division and our City councillor, Pam McConnell are distressed by their arrival.
A public meeting for all Cabbagetown residents will take place Thursday, October 13th at 7pm at the Daniels Corporation Presentation Centre (500 Dundas). This is an information session to tell you what’s happening and to plan the community’s response.
THIS IS A MATTER OF COMMUNITY SAFETY. The proposed site (corner of Dundas and Ontario) is beside a street car stop, just down the road from a day care, a block from a school, in the midst of a residential neighbourhood. There are already 4 clinics in our area, sufficient to serve the needs of our community; an additional clinic would draw from other neighbourhoods. The police advise that the operator of the clinic has clinics in other cities where loitering and drug dealing occurs outside the clinic which would jeopardize the safety of residents.
Come to the Community Meeting. Tell your neighbours. Bring your ideas and your commitment to stop this proposed clinic at Dundas and Ontario.
Please see the attached poster and a summary of the previous meeting on October 6th for more information.
Kind regards,
The DVCRA Board of Directors
Email – October 6, 2011 – Methadone Clinic CSA Stop the Methadone Clinic