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Forsythia Festival in Cabbagetown

A Call for Volunteers

The annual Forsythia Festival is quick approaching!  On Sunday May 5th prepare to join hundreds of cheerful residents in Wellesley Park for an event filled day.  The parade will begin at the corner of Sumach and Winchester Street at 10am and the festivities will last until 3pm.  In order for this year’s event to run smoothly, the Cabbagetown Residents Association is looking for a few more volunteers.  Even if you can only spare one hour of your time, the community will be extremely grateful.  If you are interested in helping out at this year’s Forsythia Festival, send an email to


The Forsythia Festival

The Forsythia Festival began in 1971 by Tony Brady.  Forty-two years later, Brady’s spirited vision has transformed into Cabbagetown’s official spring welcoming ceremony.  Every year the event is put on and organized by a committee of volunteers who deeply care about their community.  As usual, this year’s event will be at Wellesley Park.


Check back on April 1st for a complete list of activities.  From what details have been released already, you can expect a raffle, a plant sale, live jazz, and a new Beer Garden!  There will be lots to do for everyone who attends.



If you have limited free-time to spare, perhaps you would be interested in supporting the Forsythia Festival financially.  There are three levels of donations:

  • Contributor Level: $50-100
  • Supporter Level: $100-150
  • Partner: $500+

For more information, email and get your donation set up today

About Addy Saeed

Addy is a full time REALTOR® in Toronto, ON with RE/MAX ® and is involved in different real estate projects alongside community and charity events. An avid investor, auto enthusiast, music lover and long time adventurer. He can be contacted by calling 1-877-439-2339

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