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Home » Cabbagetown Blog » Seventh Annual CPA Garden Tour

Seventh Annual CPA Garden Tour

The Cabbagetown Preservation Association’s annual “Hidden Gardens and Private Spaces” event will be held Sunday, June 2nd, between 10am and 3pm. During the course of the day, participants will have the chance to visit 10 private gardens from around the Cabbagetown Heritage Conservation District. Using the map on the back of the ticket, visitors will guide themselves around the neighbourhood, interacting with each other and with the gardeners from each home. Gardeners are open for questions and will provide residents with valuable information on utilizing space, dealing with wildlife, and picking materials/plants/soils. For additional questions, Michael Hepburn of Hepburn Landscape Contractors will be at the CPA garden tour as this year’s guest expert.


Because last year’s event was a huge success, we urge Torontonians to come out again this year! Observe the beauties of a finely cultivated garden, enjoy time with friends, and soak up the sun as the long-anticipated summer season approaches.


Where Can I Buy Tickets?

  • Bill’s Garden and Design (903 Pape Avenue)
  • Fairway Variety (520 Parliament Street)
  • Greenery Patch (St. Lawrence Market, B36, 95 Front Street East)
  • Indoors & Out (1991 Yonge Street)
  • Jay’s Garden Centre (360 Gerrard Street)
  • Kendall & CO (227 Carlton Street) — With your ticket, receive a free gift with the purchase of home accents and gifts between June 2nd and 8th, while quantities last.
  • Mi Casa (238 Carlton Street) — Buy and receive a 10% discount on home decor and accessories. Be sure to hold on to your ticket because discounts will continue until June 9th, 2013.
  • Ringe Florist (Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street W.)
  • Sheridan Nurseries (2827 Yonge Street)


Other Incentives!

  • Cranberries Restaurant (601 Parliament Street) — From 9am to 3pm, June 2nd, Cranberries will be giving 15% off all food, not including alcohol.
  • Cabbagetown Brew (552 Parliament Street) — A medium drip coffee and a muffin of choice for only $1.99.
  • Epicure Shop (473 Parliament Street) — 15% off any cheese purchase as well as a free dessert with all lunch special orders. As well, coffee, pop, or water is free for ticket holders on the day of the CPA garden tour.
  • Labour of Love (242 Carlton Street) — Ticket holders with a purchase of $10 or more will receive a 20% discount.
  • MerryBerry Cafe + Bistro (559 Parliament Street) — With any food order, ticket holders will get a free strawberry lemonade to refresh after a day outdoors.
  • Paths to Vitality Osteopathic Wellness Clinic (439 Parliament Street) — Receive a complimentary initial assessment and treatment with the your ticket. Call (647)352-5527 to book your appointment.
  • Peartree Restaurant (507 Parliament Street) — Receive a complimentary apple pie or carrot cake with any lunch order.
  • Riverdale Farm — On the day of the CPA garden tour, drop by the farm for a special treat.
  • Royal Home Hardware (485 Parliament Street) — Present your ticket and get a free edition of “Canadian Lawn and Garden Secrets” (retail price $12.95).
  • Sinate Creations (480 Parliament Street) — On the day of the CPA garden tour, Sinate Creations is offering 15% off all purchases accompanied by a ticket. Visitors will also receive a free aromatic incense gift.


About Addy Saeed

Addy is a full time REALTOR® in Toronto, ON with RE/MAX ® and is involved in different real estate projects alongside community and charity events. An avid investor, auto enthusiast, music lover and long time adventurer. He can be contacted by calling 1-877-439-2339

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